How to engage kids in Good Screen Time !!!

How to engage kids in Good Screen time !!!

This is one challenge that our parents didn’t struggle at all with, it’s a modern-age parenting problem. Sometimes I feel giving gadgets to kids is a “To Be or Not To Be” issue. If you give them gadgets and they use If for long time or if they play or see a non- age appropriate game or content then it is a concern for any parent, similarly If you deny the access completely then the FOMO creeps in for parents as well as kids. Other kids talk about trends, apps and the kid is looked down upon.

With the gloomy year of 2020, the screen time has become normal. Still as a parent I always try to either minimize the screen time or at least make it a quality time spent or a good screen time. Here is what I do to ensure Good screen time:

Hobby Class:

Leading by example is the best way to teach kids anything. I wanted to learn Indian classical dancing for a long time, so I started an online class and my husband started learning Piano in an online class. This motivated our kids also to get started with a hobby. This was a positive way to keep them engage as well as encourage them to learn something new.

Online Game:

Many parents are hesitant about online game. Although all the games are not misleading or violent or vulgar, some games and gaming sights are safe for people all age group. Playing games online can help in analytical thinking, problem solving, General knowledge as well as making kids competitive. All these skills come handy when we are into a real life situation. For online gaming I trust This website has hundreds of categories right from games related to Science, geography, geometry, strategy, memory, art, health and many more.

  • Good screen time
  • good screen time

Sesame Street, which is one of the most popular and most watch kids series also appears on this site with not just one or two but overall 42 different games from identifying shapes and colors to exploring the markets and shopping.

Blogging or Journaling:

Writing a dairy was always a trend. Even I have done that as a kid. My son has a blog page where he sometimes writes but does not publish, he calls then Venting or talking- to- self posts. He is a teenager, I do not expect to share everything he feels right away with me, many a times he himself is confused with his feelings, but at the same time I want to give him a window to pour his emotions out, vent it out. Writing is a great way to do that. Journaling online is also similar to blogging online, however its more creative.

As a parent what precautions you can take to ensure a good screen time:

  1. No bolting doors: Every house has some rules, some never miss a dinner together some don’t miss the Sunday church, I ensure that no bolting doors. Whatever they are doing in their room Parents must have free access. I respect their privacy but I am responsible for their Safety online as well as offline too.
  2. Block certain websites: block your child from being exposed to any form of content that might not be appropriate for his/her age.
  3. Put a Schedule: Routine and schedule is important in every part of life. Binge watching is not good for Adults and kids alike. It can cause weight gain; irregular sleep schedules as well as it may distance kids from real-life friends and make them asocial.

Apart from all these things to ensure good practices for Good screen time, make sure you know friends of your kids if they play and use social media platforms. You can not ban or refrain use of online games hence go for trusted sites like as well as monitor the kids virtual activities. As a parents we have to guide and teach kids how to be responsible offline as well as online.

If you have any more tips for a Good screen time, do share. In the meanwhile check out my latest post on a Thriller The curse of Kuldhara by Richa S Mukherjee. It soon coming out as a web-series.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Harjeet Kaur

    I agree totally with your views about screen time. Parents should lead by example. As you have said, there should be a set time and parental control on what they view. Most parents these days are addicted to their mobiles and the kids are given one so they do not disturb them.

  2. Preeti Chauhan

    Just yesterday I was counseling a parent about Internet Addiction disorder and how to tackle it. Though the internet is very informative and a rich medium for us, Screen time needs to be limited and parental controls can help ensure that children are not exposed to unwanted websites.

  3. Surbhi Prapanna

    Yes managing screen time is big challenge for parents. nowadays, kids are so addicted to gadgets and this thing exceed screen time tremendously. you have shared great option in this post. I love to do lots of creative activities with my girls to manage their screen time.

  4. Samata

    Before we educate kids about good screen time we parents need to understand what exactly is good screen time. I am sad to share that I came across few such families where parents themselves are far away from being disciplined in life and unaware about what good and bad is in their own life. And their kids where gets pointed by others they blame the children of bad habits… but overlook the fact where from they acquired such habits. If we know what is good screen time we can definitely guide our kids for sure.

  5. Varsh

    Nowadays kids spend so much time online for studies too that it’s important to engage them in other activities in their free time. Good screen time is important and parents must find that balance.

  6. Swati Mathur

    To keep a check on screen time usage of kids become very important and monitoring what to watch has become even more challenging. Great pointers Ujjwal and need if an hour too.

  7. Ruchi Verma

    Keeping a check on kids screen time is really important as it’s always necessary to schedule things for them, so that they don’t misuse them.

  8. Gunjan Upadhyay

    In this world of the internet when kids get exposed to so much which is accessible any day any time, it is imperative we as a parent ensure that they get a good and healthy screen time. I like your tips, especially on the blocking part. if we block some content similar content also gets blocked unintentionally with AI, it is a good way to deal with it.

  9. Cindy D'Silva

    Yes we have a limited screen time. I tell them it is half an hour but given them an hour without their knowledge. On most days it is strictly half an hour once they have completed their work.

  10. MeenalSonal

    Screen time that can serve purpose to child is crucial and these are some good ways to keep children actively busy yet entertaining.

  11. Rakhi Jayashankar

    Thanks for sharing these awesome screen time options. I keep looking forward to productive ways to engage my kids. This post helped a lot.

  12. radhika

    yes, screen time is equally important for kids but depends on what are we allowing them to watch. Thanks for sharing a few suggestions. I’ll try for my toddler.

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