We have been listening, using and in fact believing in the phrase ‘Ye Naya India Hai’ very often now lately. As an Indian I am always proud of my country. However, it was not long ago that India and Indians were considered nothing more than snake charmers and elephant tamers. The journey for India to move from being a backward third world country to attaining politically important position in global diplomacy. We have come a long way in 73 years of independence.

There are few reasons to how perception about India as a country has changed, in the western world as well as in the eyes of Indians themselves.
Talking about numbers, we have ranked up in many indexes. Like India jumped to 63rd position in World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business 2020 report, we were on rank 142 just 6 years back.
We have also improved our ranking in World Travel and Tourism Competitiveness index from 65 in 2013 to 34 in 2019.

Profound shifts in politics and policy, in diplomacy and digitization and even in arts has helped India take this new appealing posture.
Swachh Bharat Mission:
It was dream of the father of our Nation that our country gets cleaned up. I remember as a child, people used to say our country is so unclean, look at Switzerland, look at foreign countries they are so clean. It was said that making India clean was impossible.
There were two reasons for it, first there were no resources for people to use. Neither washrooms nor dustbins were available on roads and public places. The ones they were constructed, were unclean and not maintained well. Secondly, people were not motivated or inspired to take responsibility and make a change.
With Swachh Bharat Mission, both these things have been taken care of. With consistent effort from people and administration, we will have a cleaner India.

Push for Digital India:
Digitization has gained great momentum in India. The push from government and acceptance by people has really made our transactions and contactless lives during COVID19 is commendable.
Payments and Shopping:
As the infrastructure in India is ready for digital transactions, life became convenient. Right from banking services, online shopping to even doing digital payments to local vendors make the transactions fast.
Government offices:
Most of the government transactions are also happening online. Conventional offices like RTO, PF are now one click away. I am vocal and confident about these two specially as its my personal experience last year. No queue, no waiting time. My work at RTO as well as PF office happened way faster and transparent than expected, plus as everything was online, so neither I needed an Agent or has to give any money without receipt to anyone.

Everything from Home:
Thanks God that we already had great network connections, 4G and Wi-Fi. That the operations of work from home and school from home are functioning smoothly since last 6 months or more. BharatNet, is a government Wi-Fi service. Currently reached 48000 villages. So, efforts of government to make digital villages is commendable.
Once PM Modi said “I was impressed to see how a young girl from the snake-charmer community was literally charming the mouse and making the most of Digital India. It is equally heartening to see how youth in villages are leveraging Wi-Fi and digital tools to help in clearing competitive exams.”
Defence and Space Research:
Last couple of years India has made a permanent mark in history of Space research, Mars Mission was the pioneer in it.
With Rafael, light-weight mountain friendly tanks and many such new things have been added to the might of Indian defence forces. India has never done the first attack on any country, but adding muscle and covert operations like Uri reflects political intent and gives a strong image out for the country.
Making India Atmanirbhar, reducing imports and increasing Make in India is making a strong infrastructure backbone for India. Presence of MNC’s in India has shot up.

When I saw namaste London more than a decade back in 2007, the speech Actor Akshay Kumar gave about India and its achievement, gave me Goosebumps and instilled pride about my country. Today after a decade we have came a long road and achieved many more milestones.

Happy Independence Day to every Indian. Let’s contribute in building our country stronger and mightier.

‘This post is written for Speakeasy Blogging Challenge2.0 2020 by Ruchie & Dipika‘.
No wonder, today we are standing headstrong in front of entire world …and much more progress is yet to come!! Glad to have you on this challenge
Nice post, we have certainly come a long way and still much more is on its way to be added to our pride called India.
Yes, the journey is really long and we have come so far and towards the sucess . India is now counted among top progressing countries.. I am so proud.
I like the post! The narrative of progress made without slightest of political undercurrents makes this a pleasurable read!
Kudos to mywordswisdom!!👍
You know dear I was thinking to write on same topic for this blog challenge and just read your post..loved it and I agree India is progressing with an amazing speed and very soon we will see many other progressive changes with increasing power of technology.
What a lovely journey, whenever I read or see the transformation I get the sense of pride, also for the fact that we have been part of this transformation. Lovely post and thank you for joining SpeakEasy 2.
I second your thoughts Ujjwal. To me seeing India’s progress in every area is very fulfilling. I feel proud to see the milestones we are reaching. I am sure many more such milestones are awaiting in near future. This is just the beginning.
With so much negativity being spewed around by the media, it is heartwarming to read a post that cares to focus on the positives of our great country. I am so glad that you highlighted these points. Keep writing 🙂
India is progressing and we have long run to be more powerful ,strong and successful. Our leader Modiji has given all Indian new direction to make our country proud and successful
Today I really feel proud to be an Indian. We are seeing India’s progress right in front of our eyes , it’s such a proud feeling. It’s a blessing for coming generation and they need to be more responsible. Beautifully written post.
India’s progress as a nation is really remarkable in last few years and it’s visible in almost every sector. Thanks for sharing the stats.
Very well written post. The achievements our country has made and will keep making are just marvellous. I love Namaste London too and never miss the chance to see the scene you mentioned.
I am so happy to read your post and it’s like reading something about core cultures of India ,I didn’t knew abt the story behind snake catchere
We have certainly come along a long way. If we look a while back, we were nowhere but present changes when we look, we feel proud of it and coming generation will surely admire the country they belong to. Fantastically written post.
The premise and progress of the nation in so many ways and how we have evolved is so true . Changing perceptions and knowledge is everything and sharing it far and wide
What a complete sketch of our country ‘s growth. Well articulated
Wow, I felt really so proud reading your post. This is an excellent compilation of our progress. I will read this with my kids again.
this is so true when we look back into the past we were behind in so many ways, digitalization has helped our country and raised it into a new height.
It felt so good reading your post. Yes we have come a long way with 73 years post Independence. Mera Bharat Mahaan
Love your write up! These are the few things we should be proud about. We are glad that our PM is continually working on all issues
India is one of the largest and fastest-growing markets for digital consumers. And Indian economy is termed as the developing economy of the world. I am also feeling very proud after reading your write up.
Incredible India indeed. I am proud of my country and its various aspects. I really loved the way you have touched some developmental aspects.
we really have come a long way yet we have to tread much further! I am a proud Indian, hoping to see my country as a leading power.
Gosh people from out of india have actually asked me how I manage with travelling on elephants… and I was like what??????? this was of course in 2001 or so… but still…. we have come along way… people have to know that…
That’s a beautiful post Ujjwal. We Indians have really come up a long way and we should be extremely proud of that.
You have covered all the aspects needed for a growing economy or country. East or West India is the best!
We sure have come a long way but we still have a long way to go. The kind of country I envision India will become someday is developed in every sense of the word.
such a beautiful write-up, you know the moment I read the country of snake charmers- the speech of Akshay Kumar did came in my mind and glad you talked about it too 🙂
We did come a long way post-Independece. The development in recent years has a tremendous impact on the economy, spirit, and change of perception by the world. I like the way you stroked positive developmental changes in this post. Well articulated!
We have really come a long way and I am proud of our growth! This is a beautiful post! Happy Independence Day!
Great post. India has moved way beyond being recognized for snake charmers. Men and women both have been successful and gone high and touched the sky for India and the world’s 4th richest man is from India. Proud of what India and Indians have attained so far.
Consider this as a personal invite for sharing your fantastic parenting blogs on my Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HappyParentingIndia/. Build your audience and engage with parents, teachers and doctors through meaningful conversations.
What a wonderful way to summarise our greatest achievements since we gained independence. We’ve taken baby steps but have surely come a long way. Together we will go far!
It felt so good reading your post. Yes we have come a long way with 73 years post Independence. Mera Bharat Mahaan
As I’ve lived through all these recent changes, my chest is figuratively bursting with pride at how far we’ve come. Especially the Swachh Bharat Mission, I love seeing our streets so clean and free of garbage after this undertaking.
indeed we have come a very long way, and the best part i feel is that somewhere we still have the charm which is very unique to our country and culture.
It is amazing how people are progressively creating and innovating and taking the country to the next level at the global level.
You are right, Ujjwal. We have come a long way, India is no more a land of snake charmers. You have written it so well, felt pride reading it. I am proud to be an Indian.
I am a proud Indian and feels great to see INDIA progressing..no one can stop us now for becoming a developed country . Lovely post.
Yes seriously india is progressing in every step if we look back we have come a long way towards the developing stage… Well written post.. It was great reading it.
The progress of India has been truly remarkable with such amazing initiatives such a the Swachh Bharat & Digital India. Also, I could totally relate to that scene from Namaste London.
True, India has come a long way from being a backward country to a digitally developing country! The current progress is remarkable to see how well we are progressing digitally.
wonderful post with very different perspective. digitalization has changed india drastically. woner if this lockdown would have been someasy without digitalization
Yes ! This is a new India, a better India rising up with new hope and opportunities.
Proud to be Indian.
Superb post on Independence Day buddy, well researched and makes my heart swell with pride for my motherland
Very well said Ujjwal… India is growing very fast and trying to explore the new aspects of different areas. Now it is not a land of snake charmers.
Ujjwal you have captured every aspect of developing India. We are truly proud to see the best transformation stage of nation
Namaste London does leave me speechless too. I am especially proud of the progress we have made in space research. Hearing little kids in my family talking about ISRO initiatives makes me happy!
Yes it is a long journey for our country. And we have fared well I think. Though there are tons of corruption and lot of things going wrong – aam janta has become informed and powerful.
Indeed we Indians have come a long way from the land of snake charmers to online working in COVID time. Proud to be an indian
I loved reading your blog post. Modiji has done a great job in transforming India. Most of his campaigns are successful because people are now aware that they need an Improved India.