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Incredibles – Superpowers I would like to get in 2019!

Incredibles – superpowers I would like to get in 2019!


Superpowers!!!! WOW who doesn’t want them, a little bit of superhuman endurance, stretching like elastic girl, running at high speed, invisibility, magnetic or electric force or a super animal power they all are so mesmerizing and powerful. Motherhood or parenting itself is a superpower that god bestows upon us however its not easy to be a good parent all the time. Everyone who has been a parent once completely understand how much life changes once the baby arrives. The two most difficult to handle age group of kids is Toddlers and Tweens, and I have both in my life. They are adorable in their own spaces but handling them together can really be exhausting. So, taking help of some incredible superpowers won’t be a bad idea at all.
So, if I have to get some superpowers there can be many but even the Aladdin’s genie grants him only three wishes, I would also limit myself and be more than happy to have these three super powers:
As a sleep deprived mom, a long quite sleep is very dear to me, but then how about my other work, the piled-up work would lead to more stress, so I wish I have a super power that “All my work gets done automatically while I am asleep”.
Right from the household chores to getting the home work and projects done for my elder one to making my toddler eat, all happens automatically as I am fast asleep though unlike snow white, I would get up from sleep as per my wish!!!

The second one is even more amazing, If I tell you which superpower I want to get, I am sure as a women you would second me on this and might even envy me for having it, it will be a blessing for a sweet-tooth like me, so the second superpower I want to have is “No matter what and how much I eat my weight doesn’t go up” isn’t it everybody’s wish!!!!

Ohh!! No more healthy eating, daily morning walk and calorie counting ever again.
I don’t want to be too greedy in getting superpowers, still all work and no fun will me a dull mom, hence I would want to have a power to prolong the weekends, so they will start as per Australian time and will get over by American time, it will be such a long weekend that hopefully at least then I will be able to find some me time.
As this 24 hrs a day isn’t helping me get some time for myself for grooming, learning something new, relaxing, reading there is so much I could do with it.

And my list can go on with powers comes responsibility but as a mother of two handling work and home, celebrating every moment in love with my husband I can assure you I will take responsibility of my duties too!!!

So, have you thought which all superpowers you want to have this year? Do share, I would like to know from you.

Incredibles – superpowers I would like to get in 2019!

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This Post Has 48 Comments

  1. alpanadeo

    Can’t tell you how much I agree with you. Tween and toddler…yes..I have exactly the same combination which sometimes drives me crazy. And 24hours seems less to me when I can’t spare some free time to do stuff that I like apart from writing(that I am managing somehow).
    Sleeping like Snow-white and all work is taken care of..yesterday only I was dreaming(or should I say day dreaming about it). So yes, your post made me think wow how two moms can think alike? Wonderful read!! Happy to have you on this blog train.:-)

  2. Shreelekha Joshi

    Getting the work done when we are asleep is such a pleasant thought. Almost slept off at the same. great write up.

  3. Vartika Mehrotra Gakhar

    You spoke my heart out. How I wish my laundry gets folded and my meals are cooked, the mess gets cleaned automatically while I am asleep. Thanks for being a part of our blog train.

  4. Dr. Surbhi Prapanna

    Ohh I can hear you mumma..I think each mom has more or less same story and each one want so many superpowers to make their long list of to-do easier. loved reading your perspective. #NYR2019

  5. lifewithmypenguin

    I am having a hurricane like toddler so can relate with your post. I would love to get all work done, laundry folded, and have a relaxing sleep. Please pass on the genie to me 😌

  6. Ramya

    Ha ha 🙂 all works completed when we sleep. Who doesn’t want that ? Great super powers. Enjoyed reading your post.

  7. Neha

    Long weekends is a great idea! I liked the fact that you have specified the country as well, lest the genie get confused 😛 Joked apart, all the posts that I have been reading talk about one thing in common ‘ Me-time’

  8. Weekends that ‘will start as per Australian time and will get over by American time’ is brilliant… share this super-power with me too. 🙂

  9. vidhya29

    “All my work gets done automatically while I am asleep”.!!! I so want this superpower along with some patience

  10. Anagha Yatin

    I hear you Ujjwal! With a toddler and a tween, life is all but a circus…full of excitement and thrill!
    Do let me know once you get the address where we can grab these super powers.
    Interesting and entertaining post.

  11. Maya Bhat

    “No matter what and how much I eat my weight doesn’t go up” isn’t it everybody’s wish!!!! YES YES YES 😀 And there are some lucky people in this world who have this superpower by birth. How unfair, isn’t it?

    1. Sudeept Shrivastav

      One of our hosts, Vartika is one such person. Mighty unfair indeed. Waqai bohot na-insaafi hai..😔

      1. Sudeept Shrivastav

        One of our hosts, Vartika is one such person. Mighty unfair indeed. Waqai bohot na-insaafi hai..😔

  12. Sonia Chatterjee

    Every word here resonates with me. As mothers, we are juggling with so many things on our plate that we are indeed super women. Well written.

  13. Sonia Chatterjee

    Every word here resonates with me. As mothers, we are juggling with so many things on our plate that we are indeed super women. Well written.

  14. mommytincture

    How I would like for my work to get done while I was asleep. Love the list of your wished upon superpowers. Yes, every mother definitely needs these.

  15. mommytincture

    How I would like for my work to get done while I was asleep. Love the list of your wished upon superpowers. Yes, every mother definitely needs these.

  16. I also want that constant weight super power. I gain weight so quickly and in last 6 month as I shifted to a new city and still trying to get adjust here, my weight has increased beyond my expectation. As I was in pressure to get settle in a new place and in a new office both, I stopped caring for myself and eventually I am like ball now. However, trying to focus on this now with food habit changes and exercise.

  17. I also want that constant weight super power. I gain weight so quickly and in last 6 month as I shifted to a new city and still trying to get adjust here, my weight has increased beyond my expectation. As I was in pressure to get settle in a new place and in a new office both, I stopped caring for myself and eventually I am like ball now. However, trying to focus on this now with food habit changes and exercise.

  18. shivanisalil

    I hear you. I feel God should bestow us with superpowers that get activated as soon as we conceive

  19. Roopali kadam

    I can relate to every point.. lovely read..

  20. Roopali kadam

    I can relate to every point.. lovely read..

  21. sonamsahid

    I hope that I also get some power to do work and manage my life.

  22. sonamsahid

    I hope that I also get some power to do work and manage my life.

  23. relishingrascal

    These super powers are what every mom could ask for! I’m wishing to have some of these too.

  24. relishingrascal

    These super powers are what every mom could ask for! I’m wishing to have some of these too.

  25. Varsha Gode

    What a witty post! I’m not a mommy but I surely hear stuff from my friends and could imagine your situation. I wish these superpowers are granted for real to you 🙂
    Haaahhhaha the weekend one was epic!
    #vigorousreads #blogtrain #NYR2019 #Newyear_bloghop

  26. Varsha Gode

    What a witty post! I’m not a mommy but I surely hear stuff from my friends and could imagine your situation. I wish these superpowers are granted for real to you 🙂
    Haaahhhaha the weekend one was epic!
    #vigorousreads #blogtrain #NYR2019 #Newyear_bloghop

  27. Prerna Wahi

    That’s a well written piece. I love the thought of having the power to prolong the weekend. I have always been saying it should be a 3 days weekend – if only someone heard me!

  28. Prerna Wahi

    That’s a well written piece. I love the thought of having the power to prolong the weekend. I have always been saying it should be a 3 days weekend – if only someone heard me!

  29. Rohan Kachalia

    Wow! I’d vote for such superpowers especially getting work done while asleep. Probably, we all would get to do things which our heart tells us to do. Lovely post.

  30. Rohan Kachalia

    Wow! I’d vote for such superpowers especially getting work done while asleep. Probably, we all would get to do things which our heart tells us to do. Lovely post.

  31. Sudeept Shrivastav

    Nice read. Getting work done while asleep is like two Superpowers rolled into one. Specially for young moms, from what I hear.
    As the great Mirza Ghalib said,
    ‘Yun Hota To Kya Hota..’ 🙂

  32. Active Life Living

    Ahh!! I wish I too have this superpowers “All my work gets done automatically while I am asleep”. Sleeping is my best friend and I can so be great if my work gets done while I hangout with my best friend!! Great points!!

  33. Active Life Living

    Ahh!! I wish I too have this superpowers “All my work gets done automatically while I am asleep”. Sleeping is my best friend and I can so be great if my work gets done while I hangout with my best friend!! Great points!!

  34. Ila Varma

    Wow…after reading so many posts on Superpower, I have started wishing some for myself.

  35. Ila Varma

    Wow…after reading so many posts on Superpower, I have started wishing some for myself.

  36. Disha

    I second you for all these superpowers, even I want them!

  37. Rashmi Karthik

    I had a heart laugh and I was transported to a land where all moms have these super powers. Nice imagination and who know some day we may get some. Lets keep hoping 🙂 Have a nice year ahead 🙂

  38. Rashmi Karthik

    I had a heart laugh and I was transported to a land where all moms have these super powers. Nice imagination and who know some day we may get some. Lets keep hoping 🙂 Have a nice year ahead 🙂

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