The moment Anokhi left the house, waving her wand into the darkness. I rushed to bolt the door. There was a strak of excitement in my heart, I am joining the team.
I helped Mahi gather herself. I might be curious as hell, but I know when not to ask questions. He poor girl was as much in shock as I was. After helping her warm up a little, we both went upstairs to my bedroom, you know the window of my bedroom gives a best view of her home.
I am yet to come to terms with the reality that Anokhi is a witch. Wow, that world really exist right. I am getting a relatable feeling of Jacob Kowalski, from Fantastic beasts who is a no-maj or muggle and gets involved into the business of newt Scamander. I am sure you are a potterhead, right? But wait, am I on the right side or wrong? Is Anokhi a good witch or evil? Although, I was never suspicious about her good nature, she is a nice soul.
I was more excited than being scared, although Mahi seemed really upset with this fact. Oh, God the child was unaware of the fact that her mom is a witch. How about Manav? Does he know? That’s another mystery to solve.
“Miss. Morris, I feel I don’t know who my mom is? Who am I. it’s an identity crisis”, Mahi spoke for the first time since her mother left. “Wait my child, even I am trying to figure things out” I said in a consoling tone.
“The day I invited you at our home for the evening tea, I was unaware that few of mom’s relatives and friends were also coming. I couldn’t attend you that day, as mom asked me to get to my room.” Mahi continued. Me? at your home? I was perplexed. Honestly, I do not remember anything like that. I better kept quiet. “Did you notice anything suspicious then, Miss. Morris?” she asked.
I honestly do not know about any such party. But to give her some confidence, I denied. How can I tell her that I am suspicious since the day I came to live here, that there is some mystery.
Our conversation was broken by the flashes of light getting frequent and stronger outside. I rushed towards the window to see what’s happening. In those I could see Men and women in Black robes, with stern faces were having a battle. Both sides looked strong. No one was ready to give up.
All of a sudden, Miss. M the cat came running through the garden towards the main gate and she sprang up into a big white lady. Of course, with a wand and joined the war.
I cannot take so many shocks in one go. First of all, seeing the fat cat running itself is a shock, then seeing her transforming into a woman is a massive blow for my little heart, just to recognize even she is a witch. That too an authoritative one. Anokhi’s house, garden as well as the road was all turned into battle field.
It was about to dawn, but due to winters and the blizzard it was easily delayed for few more hours. I kept watching what all was happening through my window for hours while Mahi, the poor child had already cried herself to sleep long ago on my lap.
T go to the previous chapter of the story click here!
I am attempting a fiction with blogchatter, This is my thirst consecutive participation in BlogchatterA2Z challenge
Wow captivating narration! I am intrigued to read all the previous chapters.
OMG anokhi is a witch ..this is like a addition of a super natural element in story. what about manav? I am so curious to know. this is something unexpected has happen in the story. looking forward to know what happen next?
Poor Mahi.. Has no clue what her mom is up to and what’s going on around. This story is getting interested.. Really wanted to know what happens next.
This is way beyond exciting. She’s really a witch. I never could have thought of this. Waiting for more
More intrigue! Where is this headed to.? Now there is a cat witch…waiting fr the next, Ujjwal 🙂
This world gets more immersive and magical with each new edition. Keep building on it… Love this creativity
I like the way the story is unfolding gradually, you are able to keep the mystery alove
I like the way the story is unfolding gradually, you are able to keep the mystery alive
That cat transfigured into a woman! My, was she a student of Mc. Gonagall? Haha. I’m a total Potterhead and loving this witch story!
I knew you are a potterhead and could surely relate to the fantastic beasts part
I got a witch story to read! That’s going to be interesting 😜
I enjoy reading about witches and magic wands and all…. Potterhead as you say!
Anokhi is a witch, this story is taking up a new level. I can’t wait to read next.
Oh!! I hope Mahi can keep her calm while the mystery gets unfolded in front of her. Very gripping.
Omg!! My heart goes out for Mahi. Eagerly waiting for the next twist1
Wow story is getting more interesting .Now it has super natural element too that Anokhi is witch . Really excited about the next part
I’m so much excited to know what happens next.been long since I read a witch story
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