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Modern age relationship, series to discuss good and not so good parts of it. #MyFriendAlexa

One of the most awaited challenges finally begun, on 1st October. MyfriendAlexa, not only helps improving the Alexa rank of the webpage, but also gives us an opportunity to read many more talented bloggers and make a better network. Last year, during this challenge I came across so many like-minded bloggers.

It has been 7 days already, that the challenge has begun. I am up to the mark with my reading list till now, hope I follow it till the end. There are so many amazing posts. The only thing I am lacking in is my writing. Ha ha, while I am enjoying to read new blogs but the Alexa challenge is incomplete unless I publish minimum 8 posts in the current month.

This is my first post in the series, Modern age Relationship. The topic is tough as no relationship is like the other. I am focusing on the relationship of partners, spouses or we can say married or committed couples.

What is modern Age relationship:

Ever Individual id unique and so is the relationship that they develop. Where an outsider might or might not be comfortable with the chemistry and intimacy or lack of it in a couple but what is most important is how does the couple feel about it.

Lot of research’s show that the more are more of transactional. Its like give and take. The true love and sacrifices are very rare to find.

For a relationship to be successful, first of all both the partners must be on the same page. In terms of their dreams, Life goals as well as basic definitions. They will surely be different or even opposite to each other in terms of their personality.

Why do we need to address the Modern Age relationship?

Today there are many things that effect a person, how they behave and what the think. People are forgetting the joy of doing nothing, relaxing and unwinding. That surely effects their relationship too.

Social Media and Digital Overdose:

This is said time and again, its like a basic root of all the problems worldwide.

You can see a young couple at a beautiful beach, ideally, they are there to spend time together but what they actually do is take photos, update stories and status and then use all their time in checking who all checked and commented and not commented on it. They might have tagged each other but living together in real world is different from being digitally connected.

It’s a common scenario. That’s why we need to talk about modern age relationship.

Modern age Relationship
The research is American, but applicatble worldwide

Stress at work and work life balance:

Currently this is the factor that has turned our lives upside down. All the waking hours have become working hours. Earlier at least weekends and holidays were spared from office emails, presentations and work-related things but now nothing like this exists.

It’s difficult to tell If we are sitting at home and working or we have made office our home.

Lack of exercising, no real-life interaction and living in the same stressful environment is increasing the anxiety level, mood swings, addiction towards taco and alcohol.

Few days back, one of my husband’s ex-colleague called and he was saying everyday people are opening bottles which they used to do on weekends earlier, as they are anyways not travelling to work every day.

All these things are affecting not just relationship but also personal health.

These and many more such things are the reason why we must talk about modern age relationship.

In this series we will try to figure out many things that like cooking together, which exercises you can do together, what are the things you should not do to maintain harmony in a relationship, what your sleeping position suggests about your relationship and even the Sun sign compatibility.

Hope it gets interesting as we move ahead.

I’m taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa

This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. Anahita Irani

    Hey, likewise too excited with this months BLOGCHATTER #MyFriendAlexa and I amm happy to discover your unique style of writing. Subscribing to your blog right away.

  2. Priyanka

    What you said in the article is the absolute truth. Everything is becoming so complex wth time.

  3. Bhawna Shah

    Absolutely right, as the technology growing up the affection between people going down. The worst thing is kids are suffering. When parents have no time to spend together then how a child learn the happiness of staying together.

  4. Ishieta

    This is an interesting theme. to be honest, it is good to read that the problems we see around us are global issues and not something only some of us are facing. i am sure, modern relationships will also evolve to cope with the new problems.

  5. Anecdotes of Mom Life

    Looking forward to read more on this theme. We need to find a balance between professional and personal life to have a healthy relationship with your partner.

  6. Preetjyot Kaur

    It’s really important to not let technology over power our relationships. I totally second the thought you shared here.

  7. Tina Sequeira

    Modern-day relationshIp woes indeed! A reminder to focus on the basics of our relationships. 🙂 #MyFriendAlexa #TheTinaEdit

  8. Manas Mukul

    Nice post with stats. Even in so many court cases the excessive use of social media is cited as a reason for the separation. We need to find the right balance before its too late. Keep the good work going,

    #MyFriendAlexa #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia

  9. Aesha Shah

    Physical and mental health has definitely been affected and that also affects our relationships. Excessive use of social media also is also a matter of concern nowadays. You have rightly listed all the trigger points. It is so important to strike the right balance now since we are working from home.

    1. Payel

      This is a mirror image you showed on your post.. I think it’s everybody’s story..

  10. Swati Mathur

    Wow..This is such a thought provoking post Ujjwal. I agree social media is definitely a concern. We have forgotten that doing nothing , just sitting quietly with each other can actually do wonders in a relationships. Fear of FOMO is doing really bad to modern relationships.

  11. PraGun

    Your post reminded me of my recent watch – The social dilemma. We should not let social media checkmate humanity or rule us or our relationships. This digital addiction is ruling our lives. High time we take care of our health and the happiness of our relationships. Nice post.

  12. Varsh

    You’re so right, Ujjwal. I’ve seen couples on the brink of divorce post lovey-dovey photos on Facebook and tag each other. I often find this behaviour confusing. Who are they lying to exactly and who will tell them?

  13. Richa Mina

    nice theme. i’d love to read more on modern relationships & hardships. hooked on your blog for more

    1. Ranjini S

      I think change is inevitable. It’s important to accept that things are changing, experiment with various methods to live around it and then find an optimal balance. Same with relationship during modern age.

  14. MeenalSonal Mathur

    Ujjwal, must say this topic will connect well with all. And it is important that we also see the shortcomings of modern age relationships and try to mend it.

  15. ginia

    Its true that today digital world has changed our perspective in all matters including in our relationships. Keeping balance in all the aspects are super important.

  16. Trablogger

    This is a very relevant topic and all your points are super valid. It is true for partners on a vacation, friends at a meetup and the list goes on. Social media is taking over our lives and the times are interesting.

  17. Shamik

    Thanks for sharing this. This is kind of an eye-opener for many today. All the points that you have mentioned in this post are absolutely correct. I would like to stress more on the Social Media Overdose point, which is very true.

  18. Chinmayee Gayatree sahu

    The statistics and modern world problems discussed are very very real and hence affect personal lives. Your posts are really relevant & I am really looking forward to reading all in this series.

  19. Sonia Dogra

    True. All relationships need some sort of addressing considering the changing dynamics.

  20. Srikanth

    Relationships are going digital for all the wrong reasons and Mobiles / Electronics are a major reason… Thank you for some interesting tips and aspects shared.

  21. Nikunj

    Very well written Ujjwal! This is informative and helpful

  22. Mandavi Jaiswal

    Social media overdose is such a huge issue infact. And its addictive. Great post as always

  23. Sinjana Ghosh

    Thanks for this insightful post. Social media and mobile phone addiction – these are big issues to deal with today.

  24. Priya Iyer

    Great post and very relevant. Thanks for sharing.

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