Coronavirus hit India in January 30th, it took a while till it became viral and the cases started jumping by 1000 to 10000 cases per day. We had a relaxed or the pre-covid19 life only in the first quarter of the year 2020. Most of the businesses and services have been affected due to these unprecedented times. Among a few most hit ones are Salon services, and as much as it had hit the business owners it has hit the consumers too. Yes, we all are sailing in the same boat.
I have ordered a trimmer online to trim hair of my son and husband, but haircut is not the only service that salons provide. Right from hair spa to body polishing, they are equally important for men as well as woman. The virus doesn’t seem to be going any time soon. We are about to enter the last quarter of the year.
Removal of unwanted hair:
Most of the men and woman I know are struggling to go out to visit a salon. Most common reason is for getting rid of unwanted hair. May it be body or even face.
Just see this video: Wonderful Product NEUD
After a lot of research, I have found a pain and effort saving product, a natural hair inhibitor.
NEUD Natural Hair Inhibitor restricts the activity of enzymes at hair follicle level so that hair growth is retarded. It is not a depilatory cream and it does not remove hair, so it has to be used in combination with a hair removal method.
This Inhibitor acts directly on the hair root and hair shaft so that the enzyme responsible for hair growth does not function. Therefore, it is mandatory to remove hair before applying NEUD so that NEUD can penetrate deep into the skin. After removing hair (by Hair Removing Cream, Waxing, Shaving), the skin pores are opened which makes way for NEUD to penetrate into the skin and restricts the growth of hair.
How to use it:
Use any hair removing cream that suits your skin, and post that apply NEUD.
The procedure of applying NEUD after every hair removal session has to be repeated. After each session of hair removal followed by NEUD natural hair inhibitor, your hair will grow slower and thinner leading to the stage of permanent reduction.
It is absolutely painless. And suitable for all types of skin. My skin is extremely dry, and this cream has made it supple and soft. I have not seen any side effects as such, after using this inhibitor.
I have used it twice already in last couple of months. Only after seeing satisfactory results, I thought of sharing it with all my readers.
you can purchase this product from their website NEUD
If you are using it, share your experiences with me.
Finally, I am able to save myself a lot of time, pain. And not to forget the anxiety and scary thoughts of visiting a salon, in current time.
Stay Indoors Stay Safe.
Thankfully, I need not have to go salon for hair removal… But yes, this product looks good and I would recommend this to all who are in need of such a solution.
Thanks for sharing honest review about the product. Will definitely recommend this product to my partner. The product looks so promising
Wow.. that needs to be added to the shopping cart. Who doesn’t want Pain free hair removal product.
This is going to be my top shopping product. Just added it to my cart. That too painless hair removal product.
I have Neud hair inhibitor & also their new hair removal range.
All are good , effective & pocket friendly.
I wasn’t aware of this product. Have been struggling with hair removal all through this lockdown. Glad I came across your post. Will be checking this out
This struggle is real. It has been so hard without visiting a salon. I do have epilators so they work well at the moment. However, that does not do fair work though. Thanks for this I will definitely try out this product and see how it goes.
I am using NEUD and have been pretty satisfied with the results so far.
Oh this pandemic has made salon visits impossible and in such times managing at home is the way to go. I really liked that regular use of this product ca gradually lead to permanent reduction. Worth a try
I also have this product but was hesitant to use it. But after your post I’m relieved to know that there are no side-effects.
Thanks for sharing this life saver of a product with us. Hair removal is truly a painful process and it is worth trying out something that can make it bearable, if not eliminate it entirely.
This product seems to be really good.. Will definitely give it a try. I completely agree with you going to a salon seems like a dream now.
Hair removal is not my favorite skin care regimen but is so very needed. A product that inhibits hair growth….. that’s interesting. Definitely checking it out. Thanks for recommending Neud!
I had also received this product for product review but as I had sensitive skin, I was feeling little afraid to try it. After reading your review, I m sorted. Will try it soon for sure.
I didn’t go parlour for the last 6 months and not in the mood to go in the near next months too. This product is looking good for hair removal. I will try it.
Oh yes. I saw this some time ago and loved the concept of using it to remove the hair forever. I hate visiting the salons and will surely buy this now that I’m at home and my hair is growing wild all over my body.
Just yesterday I calculated, it’s almost 6 months since I visited a salon and I have zero plans of doing so soon. This hair growth inhibitor seems like an answer to the hair regrowth issues that I face. I will surely try it out.
Thank you for sharing your review about this product as it is really e helpful in this time as we can’t visit salon for hair removing I am surely going to get this for me
This product is a bliss during this pandemic and the best part is its pain free. Thank you for sharing.
I always struggled with hair removal and looking for permanent hair removal solutions. NEUD Natural Hair Inhibitor sounds promising from your experience. Would love to try
Wow, this seems like the easiest way to get rid of body hair. I hated monthly salon visits and during this pandemic, I have only used the razor to remove hair which is quite annoying because the new hair pops up just after 3-4 days. I am definitely getting this cream.
Good to know about NEUD Ujjwal. It surely is worth a try in these days particularly as we have no access to salons
Never knew about this product and the fact it is could make hair removal easy and overall thinner and lighter over use. seems like a must-have product for all ladies
Never knew about this product and the fact it is could make hair removal easy and overall thinner and lighter over use. seems like a must-have product for all ladies.
Wow I didnt know thaat there was something called as Hair growth inhibitor as well. I am surely going to check Neud and try it to see if it helps..
This product looks easy to use and of a good quality solution for hair removal. I am getting it for sure.
Wonderful this makes me feel as if hair removal was never a big deal wish I had known this a couple of years ago. Still never late than sorry, I am saving this product in my list of purchase
This looks like a really helpful product and i must try it. Waxing, epilating is something that is so time-consuming and you have to visit a salon often. I am going to try this out.
Hair removal can be a pain and with salons closed down its going to be additionally difficult now. Good review. I’m looking forward to trying this product and reviewing it soon too.
Hair inhibitors are beneficial for the long run as they slow down hair growth and delay the growth process so we be hairless for many days all together.
Does it work? Especially on sensitive skin with stubborn hair? Very curious to know.
What a good find! I know I definitely go sparingly to the parlour due to the lockdown. an inhibitor is a new thing.