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Play idea for 6 to 12 months old kids – Guest Post by Ricta Tripathi

As a busy Mom of an energetic kid I often have headache and my creativity goes in vain . My little one need attention all the time. And for that i need to arrange few activities for him after his nap .
So today I am going to share simple and no preparation activity for Babies age group 6 to 12 months old

Here are the list :-

  • Texture Trip
    For this activity all we need is lay out some different textured materials and encourage the baby to touch them, crawl on them, and explore them a bit.


  • Pull down the sticker
    I stick lots of images on wall and early in the morning and late adamya take them out and we speak the name of all vegetables fruits and animals


  • Hand made shakers put different kind of grains and lentils in different bottles and let them shake, And sing a song shake shake the bottle green and so on


  • Play with flash card
    speak the name of flash cards and show them images .This will help them to recall the names and image


  • Sing rhymes and lullabies for babies I generally sing song for him all kirshna bhajans and also rhymes


  • Play hide and seek this is most important post and very kid will love this one is one of favorite .


  • Creat your own tent house with blanket and play :- Go inside the blanket and play with tourch


  • Sensory basket


  • Give them different kind of ribbons and let them play these are the few indoor play ideas for 6+ months old baby.


  • Most important nature walk is must for Babies . As much as they see they will grow and develop their sense.


  • Dance with your little one , this is the last and most important for babies you can hug them and dance with them . They love to see you happy and dancing . That makes kid happy and cheerful.


These are few activities I am mentioning here which I tried with my little one. There is so many in list will continue in next post .

Please share your feedback if you tried any of activities.

Do share what kind of play you do with your babies.

You can check writer blog and details on click on the below link  .

Thanks for Reading

Lots of hugs



About the Author

Ricta, she is mother of a cute and cheerful  boy.

She is sharing her views and parenting style tips on her social media handles.

She is having Seven year of experience in media marketing and now she is  managing her house and enjoying her motherhood.

Stay tuned with littleboymamma for New update.

You can check my instahandle and Facebook page for any further details.


This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. urvashinenawati

    These are so easy to do and superb play ideas. I am going to try some for Vaidik. Pull the sticker is my favourite out of these. Definitely trying it first.

  2. simritbedi

    These are some wonderful play ideas for little babies.. my son still loves sensory play and making a tent

  3. nooranandchawla

    That is a difficult age for structured play. I found musical toys and generally listening to music kept my son engaged. Also, reading books and making shakers were other favourites!

  4. Harjeet Kaur

    These are wonderful ideas to keep a toddler occupied. They imbibe so much in these growing months when they explore the world around them.

  5. Dr. Surbhi Prapanna

    Great ideas for keeping kids creatively engaged and I had tried most of these with my both girls. tent making is one of the most favorite of them and they always had loads of fun while doing that.

  6. Supriti

    lovely ideas for such young kids. it is a task to keep them engaged and involve them in some structured play. but u have given wonderful ideas that are so easy peasy to implement. 🙂

  7. Archana

    Great creative activities shared by you, it also helps parents to keep children away from screen, I loved the nature walk activity will surely start to practice regualarly with my kiddos.

  8. hellopallavi13

    Wonderful ideas for toddlers,as IAM from teaching field I could relate with this write-up.nice one.

  9. ritecontent

    It can get tough to keep a child engaged – your post has some great ideas for those moms looking for something new!

  10. Blogaberry Foo

    Dance, nature walk, lullabies and their tent is what i have from this list already. My son had his sister to do all the above stuff with. I did most of these with my daughter as she had no one else. Thanks for the ideas.

  11. Debidutta Mohanty

    Wonderful ideas to keep a toddler occupied. I used flashcards, sticker books and music to keep them busy. Nice comprehensive post for new parents.

  12. Rashmi

    playing with shakers and texture play were some of our favourite activities during those days.

  13. lifewithmypenguin

    Wonderful tips that work with kids.We have gone through a similar experience and penned our thoughts earlier

  14. Preeti's Panorama

    Great Ideas to involve your child actively along with developing various skills of theirs. The beauty of these ideas is that they involve materials which are found in day to day life. Nice post.

  15. Fareha

    I wish i had this blog when daughter was small. It is so beautifully crafted.

  16. Arushi

    These are some very simple and useful play ideas for little ones. I miss my daughter being that age when I would do all these with her. They grow up so fast but these ideas are brilliant to develop their skills

  17. vidhya29

    These are some wonderful ideas. Gonna try it with my niece.

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