This is an ode to every woman’s story. Whose paths may differ, personal achievements may vary. But, intent always centres around one thing commonly- ‘Oh, shit has happened?Let’s fix it!!’ Here’s to every problem solver of the world who is designed to be how she is, by the Almighty. Else, the balance would topple. To the fair sex, who is fair in every way and means. To my own relationships I am bestowed upon with- Mom, Wife, Sisters, Daugther and many more pearls in my life! She, a Singular Pronoun!? is a poem written by Nikunj Mishra, my partner in everything.
She, a Singular Pronoun!?
The universe is vast, endless and infinite,
With life on one, or may be more celestial bodies.
Waterfalls, tsunami and black holes, all rolled in together. Spectacular reveries of Almighty.
Until she pinches it in on her iPad. Locks it and slides in her pocket.
Inside, her fingers touch something and she pulls it out. A cotton kerchief.
Dad pressed hard on her profusely bleeding chin when she fell off edge of swimming pool.
The pain stops.
She ran it over her forehead on a May afternoon, cycling back home from tuitions.
Tiredness and sweat wiped off.
Younger brother bullied by his peers. She held it to his running nose, half knelt.
Sibling love blossoms.
An alluring man proposes her. Tears trickle down her cheeks in anticipation of ‘Together, happy forever saga’.
A man is born again.
‘Welcome on board, you’re selected’. She squeezes it in her fist, excited, as her manager offered a handshake. She quickly transfer it to her left hand as her eyes glistened. ‘Mum would be proud’. She thought and shook his hands.
Open the deep freezer and pulls out few pieces of ice. Rolls them in and dabs on her fresh wounds. Ponders what hurt more? Pieces of broken dream or countless punches of a man she never challenged.
An alcoholic is spared a lifetime behind bars.
The laundy man unwillingly irons them pro-bono. Everytime. ‘they’re small enough to not give you a dime’, he grunts at her justification under his muffler and leaves.
She looks at her son’s laptop screen. Dusty, unclean and not cared for enough. Strange connection she discovers, In it’s state and hers. She grabs one lying on desk, moist it and wipes the panel clean.
Spends entire life with Tuxedos, Suits, Costly pair of Jeans and Designer Hosiery. Chimes in to fix situations that others can’t even fathom. From time to time.
A buzz on her device breaks the train of thoughts She pulls out to see a Twitter notification from Ogilvy & Mather handle. ‘Congratulations, you’re adjusted our Entrepreneur of the Year’
And that’s when the universe bows down it’s humble head. In her respect. In awe of a hero, who’se mostly unsung! Yet undaunted
And this is how the story goes… from being a Pronoun to becoming a Noun!!

Do check out my another poem Judged!
Ujjwal, I truly appreciate your excellency in narrating the lines in such a effective way. Each word of the post is so touching .
Wow first I love the title and intention behind writing this poem as “from being a pronoun to being a noun”. indeed women done a lot in their lives for others but most of the time never get enough appreciation for their dedication. this poem is great tribute to all of them
The title From pronoun to noun itself creates intrigue in the readers. You have taken us slowly through every aspect of the journey. It felt like she is there and I know her closely.
“Pieces of broken dream or countless punches of a man she never challenged.”
You brought me to the verge of tears. In a single line you have screamed out loud against domestic violence. Your are immensely talented. Hats off to you
Oh my goodness! This post struck a chord. I like the way you put out such a thought provoking message so beautifully. Very well said.
A woman’s life is like a movie plot. When it changes, we never know. You have depicted her journey from a nobody to somebody in a lucid language. Everytime I read it I could see different perspective
I just loved the way you have taken up this entire post, I just felt so connected to her…keep sharing more like these.
A very touching and poignant poem….. The life of a woman… Seen through a kerchief…. And finally becoming a noun from a pronoun!
That was lovely. She went through life as a hero and that’s what it takes to go from a pronoun to a noun. Enjoyed reading it.
Nice one! I came here from the Blogchatter tweet and I can see how it’s your favourite!! 🤗🤗
This poem is such a tribute. “Being a pronoun to a noun” lived it and how it has been Completely portrayed in your poem. Loved your writing.
Such a heartfelt poem. Could relate to each line. I took agree the title speaks for itself and do beautifully expressed too. This is what a journey of each women is or should be.
Hats off to the writer for weaving such a wonderful piece on a woman’s life, the roles she lives & become. Absolutely loved the last line, ‘From being a pronoun to becoming a noun’.
I actually did not get the title at first but had to read till the end to understand it better. Beautifully penned and expressed
What a powerful piece of writing. Every word is full of expression and specially the last line, from being a pronoun to becoming a noun.
Hats off, Ujjwal! This was both powerful and heartbreaking at the same time. A woman’s life has so many hurdles that crossing them and becoming a noun isn’t easy. This is an inspiring story!
From pronoun to being a noun..amazing Ujjwal. This is so profound and deep.
‘And that’s when the universe bows down it’s humble head. In her respect. In awe of a hero, whose mostly unsung! Yet undaunted” Sums up the lot of most women I guess. Isn’t it?
A struggle for identity in a woman’s world. How subtle and simple it has been for others but such an impact full experience for her. Beautifully written and expressed. I am amazed.
Wow, what a brilliant writeup Ujjwal! Absolutely loved the way you have penned the ‘SHE’. You have not only changed the meaning of ‘SHE’ from pronoun to noun, but also changed the entire perspective to ‘SHE’. Absolutely brilliant!!
Absolutely loved the poem and the title is just so intriguing. You have portrayed various shades on a woman and how Beautifully. In love with your writing style.
Such a beautifully penned post. A woman’s life expressed in such meaningful words. From a pronoun to noun – speaks her entire journey.
An interesting perspective and creative way of sharing the journey of a woman in the world there is more han time and the good times are like shining jewels
” An alluring man proposes her. Tears trickle down her cheeks in anticipation of ‘Together, happy forever saga’.” Forever saga… and Happy forever… I certainly feel this responsibilty is mostly kept on shoulders of women more than men. Uska ghar sansar.. I feel this is a little too much to ask and imbalanced.