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In the eye of the storm!

The movement outside kept on getting suspicious with each passing day, however today it seemed calmer.

Although the weather is kind of different. During winters we see windy and stormy weather. But it looks like a Blizzard, a snow storm is about to happen. That might be the reason why the area has become quiet. There are many warning stickers on television also by the weather department to stay indoors. Hopefully, I will sleep well tonight, without having goosebumps. Thought Miss Morris. To herself.

“Diiiiing dongggggg, Diiiiiinnnnngggggg Doooongggggg” the door bell was screaming along with loud and hysteric banging on the door.

‘Who the F*ck is here at this hour of might’ miss Morris moaned

 ‘Don’t break the door, I am coming’, she screamed.

The blizzard already seems started, there was no electricity. That increased her difficulty in reaching the door. With a small battery-operated emergency light, she finally reached the door. Thankfully, the lamp is fully charged, God knows when the electricity will be restored, she thought and screamed from inside, ‘who is it? What do you want?’. No one answered. But the banging continued. Finally, she gathered courage to open the door, the unexpected guests at this time of the midnight were standing in the dark. They were in rush to get inside the house.

Anokhi and Mahi, getting impatient to get inside the house of Miss. Morris. They simply pushed her back, get inside the house and locked the door in possible places. Before Miss. Morris could understand the Mother-Daughter duo were inside her house. They looked messed up, due to standing in the storm for sometime.

‘What are you doing here? What’s wrong?’, the surprised and baffled Miss Morris asked.

‘I am so sorry, but please let Mahi stay with you tonight. It’s her…’ Anokhi stopped in middle of her sentence.

“what’s going on mom, what was all that?”, screamed Mahi. ‘Why have we come here? This all is so crazy’, she continued in the same tone. Mahi otherwise was a well-behaved kid.

Recovering from the initial shock, miss Morris quickly said. “Hello ladies, can I know what it is all about? Why are both of you here at this time?”

‘It’s my birthday today, Miss Morris’, declared Mahi. She is turning 13 today.

Just then a flash of light stuck the door, as an intuitive move Anokhi too out a stick like hair ornament, which until now held her hair in a bun. Was actually a real Wand, yes a witches wand. She waved her wand and responded the attack, and kept on continuing that for a while.

‘Miss Morris, take care of my daughter tonight. She is innocent, she doesn’t know anything’, urged a mother. She was scared and wanted the child to be safe.

‘She doesn’t know anything? What do I know? Anokhi, are you a real witch? Like the one in stories and movies?’ asked the curious Miss Morris

But there was no one to answer, except the frustrated teenager. Anokhi had already gone back.

Miss. Morris has mixed feeling. Her suspicion was coming true, that there is some mystery with Anokhi. However, she was even scared a little bit, now that she knows the truth.

‘It’s going to be a long night it seems. It is just beginning of the storm.’ Mahi and Miss. Morris were thinking the same.

This is 9th post in the series I am writting in BlogchatterA2Z challenge, click here to go to the first part of the story.

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Payel

    Looking forward…loving this story

  2. Harjeet Kaur

    I love witch stories and Miss Morris is such an odd name….Looking forward to the rest of the story, Ujjwal..too much suspense 🙂

    1. Jyoti

      Oh this sounds mysterious . I guess i need to read earlier post to know a little bit about this mystery now .

  3. Surbhi prapanna

    Ohh Mahi is at miss morris’s home and her parents want to keep at this place at her birthday. really did not getting any idea, why is this happening? looking forward to know what is mystery behind Anokhi’s this kind of behavior. looking forward to read next chapter dear. you had set the “Mahol” for story so beautifully dear.

  4. Roma Gupta Sinha

    The mystery is getting the better of me now buddy, please start unfolding some secrets

  5. Varsh

    Oh, this sounds mysterious! I would love to read the earlier parts to get an idea about the storyline.

  6. Madhuri Lele

    You are a good writer Ujjwal. I like this story and your skills of storytelling.

  7. Archana

    Curiosity at the peak. This is making me inquisitive to know about Anokhi next. In between going to catch the last few posts.

  8. Navita Bhatia

    Quite intriguing.. I guess I need to read some previous posts to connect the dots. But as for this one, the mystery needs to be unfolded in my mind too, so looking forward to reading the next one.

    1. Swati Mathur

      OMG… Where is this going.. Very intriguing and I am excited at the same time scared.. What is going to be the revelation.

  9. Ruchi Verma

    I just can’t wait for mystery to get unfold!! Waiting so much!!

  10. Sindhu Vinod Narayan

    The story sounds very interesting. I will read the previous chapters and will await the next

  11. PraGun

    Mahi turning 13 and now she is at miss morris’s house at midnight.. aha now the plot is gripping.
    Dinnnnngggg Donnnggggg who has come along with Mahi to the hall…

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