Queer Death Dreams. As odd as they sound. Do you get them? Do they mean anything to you? #AtoZchallenge

Angulimaal was a dacoit who used to kill people and as a trophy would cut their little finger and add it into a necklace around his neck, that’s why he was named angulimaal. Once he crossed roads with Lord buddha and started boasting about his skill of killing people. Buddha asked him to pluck a leaf of a plan nearby. Angulimaal did it with a flash. Then buddha asked him to join it back from where he plucked it. The puzzled angulimaal knew he couldn’t do it. That is when buddha told him, similarly he cannot give life back to the people he kills. So how can he take away something which he cannot give back. After that angulimaal gave up killing and became a monk.


Ostrich and other birds, pecking in your dreams? #AtoZchallenge

Birds Dreams are peculiar. Dreams which are prima facie scary have a relatively easy interpretations and dreams which look soothing sometimes have a scary meaning.What would you say if you have a dream where you see a flock of colorful birds either around you or flying? Bird dreams sound simple and beautiful, however interpreting them isn’t that very easy. Each bird type, size, action and color have an independent meaning.Birds in dreams are considered as messengers. They come to show or indicate signs and warn us against future events. Birds bring hope, aspirations and joy. A free bird is the happiest one, they speak volumes about freedom of our soul from burden and guilt. It is also related to spiritual and emotional freedom.


Nested Dreams! Dreams Within a Dream. Is it one dream or many dreams together? Have you ever had such dreams? #AtoZChallenge

False Awakening, Sleep Paralysis, Lucid Dreams are all part of Dream within Dream. Which I fondly named as nested dreams.Where the main dream is that you are awake, yes you heard me right. The main dream is that you are awake and within that dream you are doing things, without realizing that it’s a dream. Little confusing right? Let’s go slow.


Money lost or found in your dreams? Let’s understand them better! #AtoZChallenge

I understand how it feels to find treasure which you were not expecting. Finding money or wealth in dreams is a good omen. In Dreams money represents power, self-confidence and even progress in personal and professional life. Money always represents power. It can be good if channelized in a morally right way otherwise the damage it can do is well understood. History has seen many wars for money, its better be earned in the right way and not in Heist.There can be many ways in which you see money in your dreams. It can be fallen on the ground, someone lending you, may be in your bank account or in any other form. Let’s understand the dreams better.


Lost in a cemetery or a mountain? stranded on road? lost handbag or money? Of course in your dreams!! #AtoZchallenge

Getting lost in cementry or loosing money, how scary it can get?As we are talking about being lost in your dreams, we will even talk about what it means to lose your precious little things in dreams. Loosing items, loosing people, searching them, finding them and even you are being lost. If we must generalize these dreams about ‘something lost’ it is a sign of profit.The basic of most of the dreams is stress and anxiety in real life. The dreams become recurring because we generally ignore these as work pressure rather than resolving it. Being lost is not at all a happy feeling. Dream of getting lost or losing someone are in fact very upsetting and unsettling.


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