Falling in your dream, is it you, someone else or some thing? Is it really a serious thing? #A2Zchallenge

Although most of the nightmares occur in second half of the sleep, many people experience the dream about falling during the transition of being awake to being asleep. Many dream interpreters do nit consider it dream at that point rather it the transmission of body from physical state to dream state. And there is no interpretation for those. However, if you experience these falling dreams when you are fast asleep, and they are recurring and scary then we will surely decode them.These dreams can wake you up with a jerk, with a pounding heart and racing pulse. Have some water, breathe deep and try going back to sleep. This is the most common dream and nothing that you cannot take care about.These dreams can wake you up with a jerk, with a pounding heart and racing pulse. Have some water, breathe deep and try going back to sleep. This is the most common dream and nothing that you cannot take care about.


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