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Yellow Submarine #A2ZChallenge

Glad you are sticking with me and my story, last year I lost the love of my life and along with him went away my hope to live. He loved western music pop ballads, psychedelic rock, hard rock, heavy metal, grunge and loved GnR, The Beatles, Cobain. I was total Bollywood.
However, in all my years from teenage, yes, we met each other as teenagers.
Wait don’t rush I will tell you that story too, just not today. Let the old lady roll with her own speed. So, we heard, sang, danced on all these songs, absolutely when we felt like.

Its not that we danced only to his tunes I even made him move on Shammi too.


Financially my life hasn’t changed much, after his demise. Thanks to his great financial planning. However, the void and loneliness are distressing. I live alone in this house, my maid comes twice a day to keep me company and do the cleaning and cooking chores, but eating alone is no fun. I have also stopped having tea which at one point and time was my life line. We both could have tea any time. He used to make the perfect tea, for my taste buds. Small and big there are so many fond memories that bring smile to my lips and tears to my eyes at the same moment. The simple things were so special with someone special, with the person who is there to pamper you, spoil you, love you unconditionally.

We were one of those couples who connected each other at a spiritual level, even in crowd we could find each other easily and without words we could read each other’s mind and eyes. We never went to any parties alone, we were our top priority even above our kids, so you can understand the complete emptiness in my day and night, I feel so lost inside out.

The grief will end only with me. He promised me it will be forever but then he left me alone here, its not his fault either.
Regular morning walk and exercise instead of making me feel better make me feel low, and bring me face to face with my grief and loneliness when I see so many couples our age walking together, he left me too soon. I still had so many things in my bucket list.

elderly women

We started our life from zero and reached here, sometimes it was work commitments, some time kids or any other more important thing because of which we altered our so many plans. Yes, still we managed to tick most of the things we wanted to do together, and I am sure even if we would have lived hundred years together, I would have still wanted some more time from God for US.

My kids are settled abroad with their families, they do call me now and then to see if I am OK, but they have their own yellow submarine I understand that.
Isn’t it amusing, that one-time kids are our family, we live day in and day out as per them and when they fly out of the nest, they have their different family to which we are although integral yet distant part?

Aren’t we all in the “yellow submarine”, we have our own world, comfort still we are under immense pressure? Pressure to keep others happy, pressure to maintain our status in society, pressure to keep that high paying job that is giving you all the comfort and yes, the pressure of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We have it all along with our own baggage’s. with you new generation kids I feel the pressure is even higher that it used to be at our times.

I am sitting here alone on my arm chair, listening to this song on the cassette player we purchased on Suvin’s 30th birthday. Hmm… you guessed it right his name is Suvin. He has a great collection of music cassette’s in his briefcase, whenever I miss him, I play one of them and doze of to sleep mostly with moist eyes.


Today seems dark however next story might be merrier.

This blog of part of #A2Z Challenge, there will be 26 blogs in this series all the blogs are in continuation. I am writing them from Z to A, as the story also flows from Death towards life. Hope you enjoy knowing Antara’s journey.

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This Post Has 39 Comments

  1. vidhya29

    A wonderful post!! Loved it

  2. Satya

    I’m loving it!!!! Would love to know more about their happy time ❤️

  3. mahekg

    Got emotional while reading it. 👍

  4. Deepa

    Music has that effect and you never feel alone with it. Good to know granny is enjoying with music.

  5. aditi

    Wow! Loved reading your post!

  6. Priyanka Nair

    We have our own blues and yellows, but we have to outshine them and come out as bright as your wonderful writing 🙂 Looking forward to your next post.

  7. Roopali kadam

    Wonderful read and definitely I’m curious to read next post already..

  8. nooranandchawla

    This post made me so emotional! Beautifully expressed 🙂

  9. shravmusings

    Aww..really sweet and interesting am getting glued to this granny now

    1. My Words My Wisdom

      So humbled to hear this suhasini. Please stay tuned there is much more to come.

  10. Sanjota Purohit

    Awww.. It touched my heart. Every word you wrote made me emotional. Loved it.

    1. My Words My Wisdom

      Glad you liked it. The story has many happy moments to.Do catch up tomorrow.

  11. Varsh

    I love Antara’s wisdom. She’s old, alone and sick but still remembers the good old things of her part. And I love the name Suvin. What does it mean?

  12. MeenalSonal

    Must say this story is gripping and looks like we all are living with her. Yellow submarine and its description is making me ponder on my life.

    1. My Words My Wisdom

      I am so glad I am able to show antara’s real emotions. I hope and plan to keep you glued till the end or i must say beginning😊

  13. eshachaks

    I am just back after visiting my parents…your post just made me miss them all the more… Heartfelt!

  14. Jhilmil

    Enjoyment along with emotions, it so very well states the feelings as we grow. Lovely post

  15. Deboshree

    Beautifully written and such an engaging style!

  16. Sonia Chatterjee

    Suvin seems like a perfect partner for Antara. This is getting interesting.

  17. Mayuri6

    Ujjwal, there is so much to read between the lines in your story. How time is so fleeting, good memories make lonely times better and how life is so precious and short that we must spend as much time with our loved ones as possible. Brilliant writing!

    1. My Words My Wisdom

      Wohoo… Getting this from a seasoned blogger like you is music to my ears

  18. Maya Bhat

    Ok, so Suvin is our hero ❤️

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