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Zesty waking life is the secret to a peaceful night, and a better dream world. #atozchallenge

Finally, we are achieving the milestone of completing the second AtoZchallenge. It was not at all possible with out you, dear readers. As I have told you in my theme reveal post as well that I was planning to write a fiction even this year. My plan sheet was also ready. I wrote first two posts also, by then the number of COVID19 cases started climbing. The atmosphere of uncertainty, insecurity, doubt about future started clouding in my mind. Plus, all the family members including kids were at home with work from home and ‘School from home’ to add to this chaos there is no house help. And I gave up the idea of writing a fiction, the creativity was stuck somewhere. I was unable to put things in black and white.

One more thing apart from my passion for writing and avid readers that helped me, rather compelled me in participating in AtoZchallenge was a fact that in March I moved from a free blog and got it hosted on domain. Nothing is bigger than AtoZchallenge that would help in in improving the DA and Alexa rank of my newfound site, was also a thought. Participation was confirmed and then the struggle for theme began. Although it’s not compulsory to have a theme, but it makes easy to write 26 posts if there is a theme.

Being a Piscean I have a strong intuition. I get many dreams. I remember most of my dreams and I like to search for validations and interpretations for these dreams. Then the though crossed my mind, writing about dream interpretations. I am sure most of the people are curious to know what the dream meant and why did such dreams occur. I hope this series had helped you understand your dreams. Today the last post is about how can we keep nightmares and bad dreams at bay.

How to get better dreams?

In last 25 posts, we interpreted many dreams. Some good and some not so good. Looking at the dreams and the patterns, 70% of adult dreams are nightmares. Everyone wants to be happy; no one wants an uneasy sleep. Dreams those are scary, level you shocked and perplexed even when you are awake are not comfortable for anyone. The simple way to get a ‘Good’ night’s sleep, is to get lesser dream or at least lesser nightmares.

Zesty walking Life, Peaceful dream world

Most of the dream interpretations ended up telling us that we get nightmare and unhappy dreams as we have high level of stress and anxiety in waking life. It can be due to bad health, suffering at work or in a relationship. We can’t control what happens in our dream world, however we can surely work on getting better dreams. Here is how.

Listen to yourself:

Our body physically, emotionally as well as psychologically gives us hints or signals that things are not going well. We are so much in a rush of materialistic things that we choose to ignore these signals till things go out of hand. Give yourself some time. As ‘self-love’ is the trending thing for this decade, I am sure you have read many posts and articles on how to spend quality time with yourself. Let’s reiterate a few.

* Reading

Read, read and read. Read what ever comes your way. Reading self help books is great but do not wait till you lay your hands on one. Currently my favorite read is my son’s history book. And I am amazed to know so many things, now I wonder whether I have learned it in so much details earlier. Reading opens up the brains thinking and processing of thoughts. It gives you some personal time. Reading is a good habit.


It might sound cliché, but it works wonder. The stress and anxiety can be brought down by miles. There are many YouTube videos for 15-20 mins for guided meditation. Chanting OM for some time also helps. Even the recurring headaches and physical stress can be relieved by meditation.


Exercise in any form for 30-40 mins is helpful in getting stress levels down. With lock down in place, we have so many online video classes for Zumba, Pilates, yoga and even for gym training at home. With all the house helps not in place, I take my dog for a walk twice a day and its really a great stress buster and mode of exercise for me.

*Be Grateful

We take almost everything we have for granted. May it be parents, family, loving spouse, health, money, good job. Everything. We must thank the universe every moment that we have such a safe, secure, healthy and prosperous life. That we are sitting peacefully and reading or writing something that we want, rather than running from pillar to post for meals. The time is unprecedented, and no one knows how long its going to be this way. All this chaos can only lead to stress and anxiety. If we count our blessings, we will understand and accept how lucky we are and that will help us get a grip.

Listen to others

Sounds weird right, but its true. We are sometimes so much engulfed in our own word of priorities that we ignore some people who are very important to us. That is the time when we get dreams like ‘Losing your wallet’ as can means losing on important people as well.

One more thing why you should listen to others is because, you might be surrounded by deceitful people, some foe in a friend’s mask. Unless you observe them, you won’t be able to understand who is trustworthy and who is not. If you remember dreams where you see rodents and vermin signify about such people in your life.

That’s all about dreams for now. I have registered for Blogchatter eBook Carnival, season 5. So soon I will be publishing an eBook, on the same topic with little more additions. I hope you can take out time and read it.

Last post- season 2 finale

I had this binge watch suggestion in mind for long but could not tag it in any dream related blog.

Its about Faith. Faith in God, yourself and your loved ones. Just completed season 2 and is available on Amazon Prime.

‘God Friended me’

It is a story of an atheist boy Miles finer, who runs a Podcast called Millennial prophet. His life changes when he geta a friend request from someone calling themselves God. And his life changes forever. Every episode has a great closure. I loved all of them.

Great Watch

The story has many amazing and relatable characters. Its bollywoodish as most of the stories have happy endings. And as on one of the episodes its mentioned ‘The difference between the God and God account is just one word, Account’. And you kind of start believing in it.

Will see you tomorrow with a new blog, of course not from the all about the dreams series.

Sleep well, Dream better.

This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Noor Anand Chawla

    Congratulations on successfully completing the A to Z Challenge and good luck on your ebook!
    When I was a child, I would have terrible nightmares and two simple things changed that.
    First, my mother taught me to pray before going to bed.
    Second, a few years later, I read somewhere that sleeping on one’s right side causes bad dreams. So, I began sleeping on my left side.
    I adopted both these practices religiously and now the occasional nightmare doesn’t have the power to terrify me!

  2. Satya bajpai

    Hearty congratulations on completing A to Z challenge the second time. It’s always a pleasure reading your work. The best thing about your writing is that you use very simple words and uncomplicated thoughts. I feel another way to have pleasant dreams is to have good sleep discipline and less stimulants which delays and disturbs our sleep time. All the best for your next story 👍

    1. Ujjwal Mishra

      Thanks Didi. Yes you have mentioned a very valid point.

  3. Kinshoo Agrawal

    Thank you so much for this interesting series and now enlightening us to have better dreams.

  4. Arushi Seth

    Thanks for this series and I am eagerly waiting for your ebook. Lovely post to end the series. Congratulations on completing the A to Z and thank you for being with me in my journey.

  5. Navita Bhatia

    First of all, Congratulations Ujjwal, for completing the challenge so gracefully. First time on your blog but I think I should go back and read all the posts in the series. Everything about dreams. In interesting!! Best wishes for the publication of your e-book.

  6. Congratulations on successful completion of A2Z Challenge Ujjwal thoroughly enjoyed reading dream instincts something that I always wanted to read but never get a chance to go through, I liked your totally different take on the theme, best wishes.

    1. Docdivatraveller

      Your dream posts have been nothing less than spectacular. I have enjoyed reading them all.

  7. Roma

    A perfect way to end your series dear and need I say participating in this challenge is the best thing you did to your blog after purchasing a domain

    1. Ghunjain

      It’s really a amazing way to end your series… I am eagerly waiting for your ebook.. congrats on completion #atozchallenge..

  8. Gurjeet Chhabra

    ‘God Friended me’ is season? I want to watch it. Thank you for sharing so beautiful interpretation .

  9. Lynnette Forest

    Your photo is so cozy. I can’t imagine not sleeping well in that setting. 🙂 Congrats on finishing A to Z!

  10. Subhashish Mandal

    I think alpahbets and the words they make in our minds especially at a time like this is quite a game …we sit and wonder and deliberate and based on how the day is different mood and words take precedence….congratulations on your journey and here is to many more alphabetories

  11. Cindy Dsilva

    Oh you had some the dream series I remember reading the initial blog.. will read the others and also watch this movie for sure…

  12. Sundeep

    Congratulations on the completing the AtoZ series. I enjoyed reading all these series. And I am waiting for your ebook

  13. Vashi Baloria

    This was a beautiful culmination of such vivid & intere dreamathon! Interpretation ! Loved each one of them & yet i hope i get everynight a dreamless deep slumber one.

  14. Saumya Chaudhary

    Such a beautiful compilation I also look for validation not my dreams many time if I remember any of my dream. 🙈🙈

  15. Pallavi watermark

    Congratulations for completing the a-z challenge and all the best for the coming challenge, your dreams series were simply amazing.

  16. Pooja Budhiraja

    Congrats for completing the A to Z challenge. Its brings regularity in writing blogs which I often miss sometimes.
    And I really liked the way to write in simple language.

    1. I never knew 70% of our dreams are nightmares. Also there are other facts in this blog I would love to testify further.

  17. Rahul Prabhakar

    I’ve enjoyed reading your series on sleep. I have been dreaming about an ex for some goddam reason for the past few weeks, even though I don’t intend to. Is this kind of dream normal?

    1. Gaya3

      Thanks a lot for this informative series. Looking forward to more stories and write ups.

      1. Abha

        Congratulations for completing A to Z challenge. Your theme choice and articles were great. Enjoyed reading every article. All the best for your e book.

  18. Like!! I blog frequently and I really thank you for your content. The article has truly peaked my interest.

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