Nothing to Lose – The Authorized biography of Ma Anand Sheela
Genre: Autobiography
Publisher: HarperCollins India
Total Pages: 332
Author: Manbeena Sandhu
About the Author:
Manbeena Sandhu is based in Toronto, Canada. In addition to being a writer, she works as an addictions counsellor with the community in Canada. Her first book, Layla in the Sky with Diamonds, is a work of fiction. Autobiography of Ma Anand Sheela is her first foray into non-fiction.

The Review:
Book Cover:
The cover is very simple. With a soothing colour in the background and full photograph of Ma Anand Sheela standing with a smile. This clearly tells the readers that she is the central character and its her story. The cover also has a stamp that ‘The Authorized biography’ as there have been multiple books, movies and documentaries telling us story of Sheela.
Plot and Review:
Manbeena take us through the story right from when Sheela was just sheela and not Ma Anand Sheela. Right from her childhood till her current day whereabouts.
As a child I have heard elders discussing and debating about Osho, I never understood what is the fuss all about, however it left the ‘curiosity ka keeda’ inside me to know more. SO when WritersMelon, proposed this book for review I grabbed the opportunity. There was lot of excitement to know what actually happened in Rajaneeshpuram, was Osho really good or bad.
Believe me even if you have watched the latest documentary on Sheela’s life ‘wild wild country’ this book has lot more to offer.
Its like the author has actually lived the with Sheela and narrated to her readers.

Sheela has very different and progressive to the time, kind of parents. It’s a story about love, devotion, hard work and betrayal. The life of Sheela has been nothing less of a rollercoaster ride and the author has put it across really well. Its truly a ‘Tell-it-all’ type of a read.
The collaboration and trust the central character and author have bestowed upon each other is a delight for the reader. The language as well as narration is smooth and simple English.
The only down side is, you lay your hands on this book only if you are curious to know about real life Osho and his movement. Some parts although real are explicit and might upset you, but that’s Sheela’s story. She has been through it with no regret.
You can grab this book on Amazon Nothing to Lose
For the flamboyant life and good narration, the team of Nothing to Lose gets 5 stars.
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My brother is a big follower of osho and even I had also watched few of his spiritual youtube videos. After reading your review feeling curious about it. Will check out it for sure.
Osho Rajneesh was a controversial figure and still is ,with stories about sex and spirituality mingling freely in his Ashrams. I have read a bit about his teachings and would like to explore it further from Ma Anand Sheela’s perspective.
I have watched a documentary on Osho and got to know about Ma Anand Sheela. This book will give a different angle to it.
I have not read anything significant about osho though I’ve a vague idea about his work and seen a bit of his videos. This book is interesting and intriguing and I am gonna pick it up to know more.
Thanks for your review. This sounds like a very interesting book and your 5 stars are encouragement enough to buy! Like you I have also been curious about osho but don’t know much. I would have loved to know a bit more on the life of the protagonist in the review though. But this has made me curious enough!
This is something new to me and felt interesting book to read definitely going to check out the book for this weekend read.
Somehow I never believed in these spiritual Guru’s but thats my take, but yes even I am curious to know more about Osho and his work. So would like to read this to understand their perspective.
Thank you for your recommendation. I have been needing some new books on my reading list.
While I was growing up, I used to see a few of Osho’s books in my Mom’s book nook, but I never had a chance to understand them deeply. This book sounds a great read
Oh I would love to grab this book and give it a read. I am really intrigued by the life of Ma Anand Sheela.
Infact I have always been very curious to know about Osho & his believers. This definately sounds interesting to pick. And your other book suggestions are also very offbeat. Will check
Wow I have also heard about Osho but not really googled it. It’s amazing to know how someone’s life has changed because of it. And books are always better than movies!
Well, the title itself caught my interest right away. I have watched the documentary on Netflix and now I am curious to know more. SUrely, picking it up in my next book store trip.
Pune is a hub for Osho and it’s my hometown. Will check out this book.
I haven been a bit curious to know more about his journey. Even though I don’t believe in spiritual Gurus, I am intrigued to know about him. Will give this book a try.
I have always been curious about Osho and Ma anand sheela.. I will grab this book! Thank you for sharing!
I have heard so much about Ma Anand Shiela. This book and your review make me really curious to read the book. I have heard and discussed many of Osho’s teachings in our Bookwormz club. This could be an interesting book to discuss.
This book will have a different version of Ma Anand Sheela for sure. I have read and seen videos of osho, would love to read this book to understand about osho and his preachings.
I haven’t heard much of Osho but yeah whatever little I’ve heard was good. I actually liked the review you have written. Intriguing I’ll say. I will check this book out.
I have heard about osho and it is good to see that when the authors make the book lively with their deoth knowledge. That’s a wonderful review, i would get the book soon.
I am getting increasingly interested in reading this book and knowing more about the life of Ma Sheela. The book as you mentioned has more to offer than the documentary so surely picking it up very soon
This book definitely give a broad insights about osho life. Sounds like intriguing read
I’ve a vague idea about his work and seen a bit of his videos. Though i don’t believe in these Gurus but never mind reading .
I was always curious about the life and preachings of Osho. After reading your review, I feel like grabbing the book
Yes true. Osho has been one controversial public figure due to his teachings. I came across Rajneesh and his work in my teen years through his videos and books. I found them universally applicable according to my teen mind. Don’t know about it now😂
Osho has very mysterious life and this book does reveals many things about his life. Indeed sounds a intriguing read.
I have watched the documentary and have read great deal about Osho, however I am convinced with my belief that no mortal being can be equivalent to the Supreme force I am sure this book has more to tell about on this topic.
That’s very intriguing autobiography of Ma Anand Sheela- her life and work right from the very beginning when she’s sheela
I have watched so many documentaries on the many godmens of India. I am not critical but just wanted to understand my own guruji. The life of people like osho or ma anand sheela is not simple and cannot be understood by us without curiosity and some acceptance. I am eagerly waiting for my copy
You have created a curiosity inside me to know more about Sheela ji.
I have not watched the documentary and your Book review is making me curious to know more about the Osho and Sheela and their life events. Shall grab this book in year 2021.
Its a completely different world, osho ashram the lifestyle even the childhood of sheela.
This novel is making me curious to know more about the Osho and Sheela and their life events. Definitely include in my reading list.
This was a nicely written review. WIll check this one out soon.
A curious post, I shall give this book a read
Books are almost always better than movies. This seems to be a really intriguing read.
I would love to read Nothing to Lose – The Authorized biography of Ma Anand Sheela. Would like to know about the real Osho too. You’ve gotten me interested 😊
The book is her story, a lot different than perceptions about her.